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MindMaps for UPSC - Chronology of Events (1857 - 1947) (Modern Indian History)
#ModernIndianHistory #SwadeshiMovement #CivilDisobedienceMovement #UPSCMindMaps
Drishti IAS is pleased to bring a PRELIMS MIND MAP Programme - covering relevant and important static portions from UPSC point of view.
The Mind Maps format is designed to effectively convey information, making it easy for the aspirant to understand, retain and draw interlinkages. The information will be concise while encompassing all relevant aspects of the topic being covered.
The programme will cover the following subjects:
1. Polity
2. Economics
3. Modern History
4. Geography
5. Science & Technology
This video covers:
• Topic - Chronology of Events (1857 - 1947)
To read more news, visit: